Read each scenario and choose the option that best matches how you would decide to act given the circumstances the game of thrones. E., gordon, k., hawkins, a., kawchuk, j., & smith., d. Pin On Briggs Meyer This test will present you with 16 scenarios with difficult choices designed to reveal your character. Game of thrones character test idrlabs . It's kind of obvious whether you're a fire, air, water, or earth sign based on the foods you pick in this quiz. You got ron weasley, who is best known for his humor, bravery, and loyalty. Iced coffee just screams air sign, tbh. Baelish’s character displays the extreme negative side of an intj, where they are pushed to the darkness. For instance, entj is a person who is pre. Rowling, pottermore, wizarding world, or the harry potter franchise. Just answer the simple questions of this accurate sorting hat test this is the official pottermore sorting hat test that you often see in pottermore. It is in difficult...